Actions we have taken towards our sustainability target
Here at National Flexible, we are passionate about working in a sustainable manner and wherever possible, developing our working practices to enable us to continually improve our business management and practices.

Carbon Offsetting
We have recently offset the entire carbon footprint of all our people, creating a Climate Positive Workforce. The offset covers both their professional and private lives, including emissions from their home, personal and professional travel, holidays, food, hobbies and more. Climate Positive Workforce
Electric Vehicle Charging
A project is in hand to install charging points for electric cars, when the new warehouse extension is completed.
B Corporation
Our aspiration is to attain the requirements of this standard, at which point we will consider joining this, or some other appropriate ESG accredited scheme. We anticipate the environmental developments we currently have in hand will enable us to qualify for inclusion.
Grasscrete Car Park
Our site adjoins the location of the Battle of Adwalton Moor, where the Cavaliers soundly beat the Government forces in 1643. In order to present the best view of the battlefield, we invested an extra £80k in a Grasscrete surface, rather than asphalt.

Lighting and Power Saving
We have invested circa £40k in a power saving system, which includes replacing all lighting throughout the production facilities and warehouse with LED lighting and energy management to reduce our electricity requirements from the national grid.
Waste Recycling
Waste recycling is a ‘hot topic’ 100% of our plastic waste is recycled in the UK. Cardboard and end boards are stored in a container which is collected for recycling. All remaining general waste is compacted and is collected and taken to Leeds energy from waste plant (EFW) for incineration, supplying electricity to the national grid.
Pallet for Pellets
Most of our film, prior to processing, is delivered on ‘jumbo pallets’, which cannot be reused. As a consequence, they are sent to a chipboard factory where they are subsequently made use of within their products. Any excess wood chips are used for biomass.
Solar Panels
We are now producing our own electricity!
Helping us to reduce energy bills and carbon footprint, we are also reducing energy consumption from the national grid.