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Ready, Set, Solar

Solar panels enable thousands of UK households to generate free electricity, reduce their environmental impact, and lower their energy bills. Still, it's not just homeowners who can benefit from solar panels. 

Installing solar panels at our business has proven to be an excellent move for our future, but, why? 

From having less reliance on the grid and rising energy prices, to saving money through lower energy costs, using renewable solar power also significantly reduces our business' carbon footprint, helping in the fight against global warming.  

Solar panels work on light, not heat, and more specifically daylight, not sunlight so whilst its true that shorter daylight hours does mean generation levels are lower; there’s still more than enough daylight for solar panels to generate electricity, so even on a typically British cloudy, grey day, we are still reducing our carbon footprint.  

Since having our solar panels installed in February 2022, the environmental benefits saved so far are 27,949.55 kg in CO2 emissions and the eqivalent of 1,279.38 trees planted.

In addition to our solar panels, we have also teamed up with Ecologi using simple and impactful ways to take action for our planet. Read more about the projects we are supporting and how we have become a Climate Positive Workforce